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Thanks (((Bettie))) for the supportive post. I don’t understand why you didn’t get my email, so I will phone you to confirm your address. I believe I have your right address, but I don’t have your condo number. Or can you phone me seeing as you have free long distance? I only have my cell phone and I pay for every call, except the 10 people I have designated as free phone calls. Do you have my cell phone number that starts with 5 after the area code. I am going to call and see if the Recovery Group is still active on Tuesday evenings at the Addictions Foundation. I don’t know that I will feel like going this Tuesday after the First Aid/CPR course. Then I am back looking after the renters’ house for 2 weeks while Danny is away working. I believe that to be a true statement what you said, that we cling to the familiar, and the few ***** we have been supported in our relationships. As they say, better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t. It would not be the right decision for me to return home, as nothing has changed nor will it. Come September, I am thinking of joining Weight Watchers. I was looking at old pictures of me, and most of them I would consider myself slender or normal weight. It’s just been since I’ve been with Danny that I have been packing on the weight. Getting older and having gone through menopause accounts for some of the weight, but not the majority of it. Big change is going to be uncomfortable emotionally. I just have a problem staying with the emotional pain, and working it through. One thing I hate about the city is that they have photo radar. My first cheque from my new account went to pay for a photo radar ticket. To me that’s the equivalent of hunting with a high powered scope. It’s not fair to the animal. And everywhere I want to go, I have to drive in lots of traffic. I hate that! I can hear people having conversations and laughing from homes in the alleyway. The other people that live in my building are my granddaughter’s age, so that sucks! I got my dishes done. Now it’s to go upstairs and sort through the papers for the filing cabinet. Carole