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Hi Denise and welcome,
Im happy you have realised you have an addiction to gamble and need help so early on……it takes some of us years  and years to make that leap!
I have a few ideas that may help you, things that helped me.  First and foremost I excluded myself from each and every gambling venue within a 2 hour drive away. It is a barrier that I believe helped me the most, the thought of someone coming up to me and telling me I have to leave makes my hair stand on end.
You say you are engaged, have you thought about telling your partner that you need help and support?  Having no access to cash is a sure fire barrier as no money = no gambling.  Its not an easy thing to do, its scary, but you need all the help you can get right now.
Lastly, keep reading and posting here, read other stories, you can gain a wealth of knowledge and help from others.  The helpline and group chats are brilliant too.
Well done on reaching out for help, its a huge step and one you should be very proud of yourself for doing.  I wish you well and look forward to reading more from you.
Take care, K xxxTo live, that would be a great adventure – Peter Pan