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Hi Dear Jess
I wish you well for your continued recovery. Always remember this is about YOU and what is right for you. I am sad you will not be beside me on the chaise any longer, but will think about you often. I am glad to hear your son is doing well, wish him a very happy birthday for Saturday. Glad to hear your step daughter is doing fine and her new child is thriving, after just becoming a Nanna last week myself, I know how important it is for you to witness progress for them both.
I wish your au revoir, Jess, may life bring you happiness and success. I am sure college will have that place for you on the next intake. This forum has fulfilled its purpose for you and you now feel the time is right to move on. As you say, whatever the outcomes, you have been part of a circle of friends who understand you and you have also been able to give such wonderful support to others too.
Take care dear friend, its been a pleasure to ‘meet’ you.
Much love
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWe must look forward and must never look back, we cannot change what has already happened. The future is brighter.Looby Loo