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Dear (((Cat))). The doctor had me come in again to see him today and he said I had a stress fracture in my right foot, and that he wanted me to have a bone scan which is scheduled for September 23th. They inject dye into your vein, you go away for a few hours, and then come back for the scan. I don’t know what if anything is the treatment for this type of fracture. I have realized that I can’t drive to where you live as I drove a fair amount yesterday, and by evening time, my foot was sore. I thought of flying but because I don’t know what’s going to happen with my foot and possible job interviews I can’t buy a ticket, because of all the unknown factors. I really wish this would have worked out that we could have spent time together and shopped in the US. Sorry about that (((Cat))). You are welcome to come visit me and stay with me. Carole