I literally couldn’t stand GA meetings until I realized that I don’t have to do one single thing I don’t want to do.
What I mean is this:
– I don’t have to complete the twelve steps should I choose not to, which I haven’t. 1 & 2 are good enough for me.
– I don’t have to speak.
– I don’t have to be profound if I do speak.
– I don’t have to like or become friends with every (or any) person there.
– I don’t have to read the literature and agree with it 100%
– I don’t have to like being there.
For me, GA was kind of a pain and it often ***** caused me more grief than I should have allowed it to. But the stories I heard, resulting in the knowledge and appreciation that I was not alone in this dark addiction – and that there is hope for us all – were invaluable to me at the time and still resonate to this day.
We will never stop unless we choose to. You have. Good luck and remember, this journey is complete with dramatic ups and downs. Don’t give too much weight to your emotions for a while.