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thanx larry
you are right i have to do nothing eccept accepting help
and i accepted that i need help tanx UK .I am a reall refugee not someone who cames here to make money .I could make much more money in my *****ry than here.and UK gave me refuge its true that I was a victum of abusing Geneve Convantion ,its a convantion for refugees ,but any way Uk give me other chanse to be alife and now gave me another chanse to get free from my gamble problem by going to gordon house
I think they can help me to sort it out  my debt problem as well and I want to be cured to be honest i am that much sick that i cant help myself even i cant go to my appointments I had lots of patiant which suffered from depration but I never knew that deppration could be this much worse
I was living complitly alone in last few years .of course the most reason for my lonlyness was my gamble but when my gamble problem gets worse and worse i did not have family or friends support here to take me to my gp and my community health centre to help me and i lost all my appointments and i get nowhere
i needed somebody to look after me i remember the time on 2008 which for weeks and weeks i stay in home just taking sedative tablets and sleeping all the week not a single day till i get my next benefit payment and gamble it again and loos it again and back to the same place again
i needed help there was help availble but i just ignored that its right that compulcive gamblere can affect others life as well at least 15 others as gh website say and last night i ***** the people who get affected woth my gamble problem and i found more than 15 person
i am really happy that i am going to gordon house i dont know what happening there but its my only way and i want to get that help which i nedd
you are right i have to do nothing eccept giving myelef to gh and the specialist there i am broken
but i beleive human been can cure from every thing and i know i can if i want
I called my mother now and i promissed her as well to do my best for my life
to make her happy