Originally posted by Kathryn
… post edited by kathryn.
Good morning Cat, Vera, and Kathryn – plus the others that may read and wish to join in on a pact to not gamble during the 30 days of September, a pledge to not gamble One Day At A Time.
Today I join this pact and renew my Daily Pledge to not gamble, not one bet, not one cent or token. I am looking forward to celebrating another birthday during this month (Sep 7) not being controlled by this addiction. Too many birthdays were wasted away at the casino, too many excuses and lies told to loved ones and friends as to why I was leaving a normal celebration early.
Seeing the words "edited by" reminded me that while we cannot edit our past as we can our post, we can still edit the negative thoughts the may cause us to make future mistakes, changing them to positive actions. When urges or temptations tell us to give gambling a try, we can "Take The Time To Think Things Through" (the 7 Ts of recovery), or as some say "play the tape through to the end" where we again end up facing the same old consequences and heart aches, we can do this before we venture back out into the gambling world.
God’s speed. Stay Strong. Keep aware.
LarryThanks to my Higher Power, My 3G's – God, GA, and GT, "Day Two Is Another Day Behind" and with the help from all I hope to continue to remain gambling free.