You know – you are right…I do better when I am working…but when I work so much I can’t wait to get out of work.and I come home exhausted and it’s not much of a life either..I need a balance – work and socializing – but NOT gambling!.I really have to think about this and take some steps..It’s an impulse control disorder…I went this last time with abandon and not even putting those barriers in place..What was I thinking? I could have at least done that!
I read some other posts today..about not ******** the days and thinking about a gamble free life..not just days..It’s really hard to picture it right now – like a forever thing..
By the way–there is a great book called "Help Me Because I can’t Help Myself" and it talks about gambling in the most realistic way I have ever read..I lent it to someone a few years ago and never got it back but am going to try to get it again..