(((P))) welcome back sweat P!!!! You have been missed around here. You are back where you belong among others who understand the challenges this addiction causes. Your last comment of your post really stood out to me "I have fought this addiction long enough. I no longer fight. I totally surrender." We do fight the addiction because we want to be able to gamble like other people who don’t have the addiction. I know that if I start thinking those thoughts then I am lost. I have to keep telling myself that I am powerless over this addiction. I don’t know the person that I become when I start on those machines because the addiction takes over!!!! Progress not perfection and always remember the gamble free time that you have achieved by coming here. Keep posting and grabbing all the support that you can to help you get through the day or hour or minute, whatever it takes. There is always hope and never ever ever give up!!!One day at a time my sweet lord…