Matters little to me where you got that phrase from, the end result is it made it’s way from God’s lips to my ears, via you. I’ve used that mental image in the last few days and it has worked for me.
What else explains having to get my money back from the casino…RIGHT NOW(!), with almost entire disregard to what will happen to the longevity in my business’ and my family’s future should I lose?
Of course, I actually did consider what would happen should I lose (barely), but the sledgehammer aspect of my addiction made me think like this: "Maybe I should wait before I go back and try to win the money back…NO! I have to go right now! This is probably the precise moment when I should go. If I don’t go now, I’ll miss this golden opportunity to win it back and will instead lose later when I should have gone and won NOW!" That right there is some pretty screwed-up and desperate thinking. But that’s what I did…many, many *****.
Using a sledgehammer also explains why I feel so tense and stressful when I’m in recovery and expect results to happen sooner than they actually do/can.
It’s impossible to sculpture the crevasses with a sledgehammer. You can demolish them or not touch them at all, but not sculpture to desire.
Sledgehammer = danchaser*.
Day 27. Much better that last week.