Hi Guys,
Well interesting weekend. My sister spent the night and vented off some steam. We talked alot. I gave her some compulsive gambling insite-she was really blown away-as we have never really talked about it. She can’t imagine spending the mortgage money-she even said "why couldn’t you just stop". I asked her why she can’t just stop smoking or just stop overeating. I told he the worst part was when "in action" being a cg is baffaling-the "real" me could never dream of doing it while the "cg" me had no control-and if I could get it I would spend it. I think she has a better understanding now. It is funny that the few who know have no idea just how bad this is. Two that I have confided in thought I was going to tell them I had a body buried somewhere! They are like-well it’s no big thing. That is fine really-because if they really understood I think they would be terrified. That is the good thing about group support-they get it and I don’t have to explain it.
We slept through some excitement-our club house in my condo complex had a fire last night. The interior is destroyed but the structure stands. The really bad part is the swiming pools filter and heater are housed in that building. I guess there will be no more pool this summer! Right now I have no gas, which means no stove and no hot water. i talked to the assocation president and he said that the gas company will not restore service until they can check every gas stove. Mine is newer and has no pilot light but if I am not home they are coming in with a locksmith tomorrow to check anyway. I guess I am staying home. If my cat Tiger runs out no one will be able to get him back in my unit.