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Hi Guys,
well, it was a busy day. I did go back to sleep, caught some chats, and did my workout. Went to my daughters to see the grand dogs, took them for a long walk. Did some yard work, pulled dead plants from her garden, mopped floors and did her dishes. WHy u may ask? Well, after she fell her bf managed to cut his hand really bad, she called paramedics because she thought his finger was severed! Stiches and an or visit. Fun!
Jen’s dr called today, thinks her foot is FRACTURED! WHAT THE H*LL! It will be a week tomorrow, I assured her they would have called her right away if food was broken! Now off work somemore for more scans tomorrow.
I remember my friend who passed away from alcoholism told me once that loosing weight must be really hard because unlike drinking you HAD to eat. It’s kind of like HAVING to go to the casino with $5 a day, when you want to gamble $500!
Thats been on my mind, don’t know why. Well maybe I do. I’m mad that I have to work at it and for most people it is a natural part of their being. OK, thats out. Just doesn’t seem fair but really, it could be so much worse. At least this I can fight, some things you can’t.
I am blessed