I have an illness which make it very unwise for me to listen to my feeling. Following my feeling has got me into trouble for 30 years. All that has happened recently is just another reminder of what is happening.
I have just woke up from a long sleep of about 12 hours. I was well rested and not tired or fatigue, my thought is totally different and more positive today. I am ready to refocus on my journey and recovery, it is not going to be any different from my first day in recovery in August 2005.
Nothing about living life on life ‘s term has change. I will continue to face more trials and tribulations in life. This is life, normal people not suffering from addiction also have the same challenges in life. Recovery is about living life on life ‘s term.
Without the surplus money to feed my addiction in gambling, alcohol, drugs, sex and food to self-medicate whenever I feel stress, discomfort, pain, hardship and suffering. My problem is clearer for all to see. It is all about learning to live life on life ‘s term.
It is easy to blame others, it is easy to flee and run away from responsibility but recovery has taught us to live life, accept it , not numb it and face it.
What does recovery mean to me today? Life is tough enough, I am not going to complicate things and make it 10 times more difficult with gambling, alcohol, drug, sex and food.