I feel your emotions in your words you typed on this forum. I have that same experience with my wife. On October 2019 my wife filed for divorce after giving me too many chances with the gambling lifestyle. Even though that was an eye opener to get my life in order i still went and gamble. Told her lies abt where the money is going poor accountability. After all she had all my bank cards and credit cards. Yes it was a messed up feeling. Leads to poor health and worse Death! Izzi we have made mistakes and we find excuses to try to justify what we have done but when it is mounting too much we buckled under pressure and the urge to get that high the thrill of winning comes to mind that where the strong will of resisting or rewiring that mindset of staying focus on staying free and start focusing more on self worth. Better health and an awesome mentally. Izzi you are gonna start rewiring your mind and it starts with you and what you are telling yourself each moment from now on. Observe your thoughts especially when you got money in your hands what plays on your mind is it” cmon lets place some bets in you are gonna win big to pay off your debts!!” Thats the lie the casinos placed on your mind. The battle is in your mind you are gonna start realizing the more you fight or resist you are gonna make that change. Stop chasing losses. Its not worth your precious and most valuable asset that is your Health. Now you have 10 days GF. I encourage you to keep posting on your progress. Just as i am you are gonna overcome this. Thank you for being honest. And yes honesty in your relationship is a perfect start. Please click on this link below and you can also view more of his video on his channel Soldiers of Self Mastery