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Recovery seems to have brought lots of changes into your life, Charles . All for the better. Thank God!
Different types of CGs are affected in different ways, I think. For example “action gamblers” would be planning either a live race meeting or a day in the bookies on St Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day). I know people who go to race meetings that day as a social event. It would be the most boring event on earth for me. I wouldn’t dream of going! For casino/slot machine gamblers , however things would be different. Also it depends on gender and relationship status. Single women or men who have no family ties could allow Christmas to go over their heads in a casino if they choose. In my case, Christmas is one time of year when I know I won’t gamble. I mean 24th, 25th and 26th. I am always too busy cooking (Or giving orders re cooking!)Opening presents . Tidying up or nagging others to do so lol! I have a long journey to the church on 24th and 25h so I’m usually whacked after that. I have to chase up and collect my sons on Christmas Eve . They don’t drive so I really would not have time or energy to plan/arrange a gambling trip. I usually have all available money spent on presents I love buying them . As far as I know casinos close here on Christmas Day (Maybe not this year but I won’t be making enquiries) When my youngest son goes through his bad moods, it would be tempting to escape but this year I have a plan should any thing happen…
It’s in the aftermath of Christmas , when they all leave and a bit of money reappears that I could easily slip away alone “to check out the sales ” Men find shops boring. LOL…..
That is my danger time!
Especially this year.
AWARENESS, awareness, a w a r e n e s s