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I know people loose their job i do,but well iam 54 and have a very worn body,not much chance of getting a new job.
And yes i have to allow my work access to my medical records too have to sighn a paper for that,if i dont claim will be denied,and to be honest no money also means more then No money,No gambling ,it also means no money no anything.
My kids will be supportive ,but will cause huge stress and worries in the house.
And no my attendance is not the problem,they actually showed union guy he says about 15 sighned letters from co-workers with complaints about me,funny how they just appear out of no where after 15 years with not one letter against 15 and all just since new management came in?
Im a long term employee ,and it is just my time to go ,they do it to all the long term people,we cost to much.
But prove it,they are a ruthless company.
Actually the union fella we have had for a few years i was told is leaving and we are getting a new one in the new year,apparently that is done every few years withing the union,but im thinking the new one will be even more busy,but maybe this new one will have a little more patients.
I went into work this am to pick up some papers my nerves did not like it,
So i do feel i made the right choice for me,to continue on stress leave .
So early here and im already to go back to bed ,had enough of this day already.
Stress wow it is powerfully painful ,mentally and physically.
But again im not the only one in this world with stress everyone gets stressed .
Take care Sad and thank you for your kind words.