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Thank you for taking the time to read my thread brother it is truly appreciated and if it helped you in anyway from my posts or the posts of others , that’s what matters the most. I believe we all have it in us to quit, there are some very low bottoms that weve experienced with this demon And one day you just say I’ve had enough.. I don’t want to feel this way for one more second while I’m on this earth. 18 days is great bro and it will only get better. I am so sorry you almost lost your Family and your divorce, these are traumatic experiences which usually cause people to gamble, it is good you are done with that because it only masks the pain(when we win) when we lose it is 100x more painful with our other life issues plus our financial losses… we don’t want to feel this way. It is nice you are on vacation and can do some soul searching brother, it will make you see how beautiful life can be without gambling. I will read your thread tomorrow and give you any advice I can to help you, as you did that for me and I truly appreciate it. Have a very merry Christmas and New Years, and enjoy your vacation.