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Worried Mum

Thank you so much Velvet for your lovely reply. You don’t know how much I appreiate your supportive words.

Reading other stories mine does sound very familar. I know my son has an addiction (s) and we have treid together to get him to stop. I have control of his money so pay his bills (he doesn’t live with me) but I know he borrows from friends. Every couple of months he’ll beg me to pay debts with a detailed repayment plan which goes to pot a few weeks later. Probably at the moment he owes less before and for the first time has decided to go to therapy. This is great but paying £60 per session is going to be hard for him to maintain I fear but I am full of hope.

No one else in the family knows about his issues and until now have felt I could cope but lately it’s been tough. We’ve argued more and said things that are hard to forget and I know he needs my support but feel he’s been really nasty.

I will look up Gam-Anon…thanks for that.

I would love to join the live chat one evening soon.

Take care.