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Thank you so much! Yes. ..It will be a struggle, I know that. I know I said something miraculous happened, and it did. The miracle being that I can now see the light. It won’t be easy. …I mean, I only left there on Thursday, so this is really only day 3 since I left rehab, but it’s day 3 of a new life. A couple of us who have been talking on the phone since we got back have said it’s like waking up in a different world to that what we left behind.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hiding from people I owe money to, the cupboards aren’t full of food yet, the pile of unopened letters is still exactly that, but I am different. It doesn’t all seem so insurmountable now. I know I can do it. And I have to believe I can.
Going into rehab was a life changing experience. I discovered a lot about myself, why I did it, how I was slowly tricked into being a slave to it, and it was sometimes quite emotional and tough. But by day four the muggy, murky mess that was in my brain had cleared and I could start to see a future.
My previous thread was entitled Salvation. It was something I never thought I’d get.
Thanks to GMA and Liz, Ruth and Jane, also Amy who organised my itinerary so professionally, and Harry who was there for me on day one, I have had salvation. The above mentioned are true “savers” of lives.