Thank you Steev, Monica and Seanraj,
Merry Christmas everyone,
Back at the start of September I didn’t know if I would make it to the residential treatment. The day before I still hadn’t booked my travel tickets due to lack of funds.
Christmas seemed like forever away- I really thought nothing could help me but decided to give it a go.
I sat there on the first day of the residential and the facilitators stated with confidence that we would stop gambling if we gave it our all- many others had succeeded!
I inwardly knew I would be the exception- nothing could stop me! I could hardly break away from an all- nighters to take the first online meeting at 11am. When it ended I went straight back to my online casino.
Yet, here I am three and a half months later and I am gamble free. There have been a few close calls but I have not gambled on anything at all.
This is huge for me – I haven’t really had any gamble- free time in the last few years.
I guess my Christmas message to anyone who is struggling is to move out of your comfort zone and do whatever it takes to become gamble free- if I can stop, trust me, anyone can!