I get it but it isn’t sitting well with me. I really looked forward to my group chats and now with the changes I can’t be involved. Not happy with that. Thanks for the explanation Charles.
Now to deal with the matter at hand. I went to pick up the mail and received a tx rebate for what the US Goverment withheld from my winnings at a casino visit about 1 year 1/2 ago. I continued on to work and thought nothing more about it. I had been waiting along time for the check and with the US dollar now worth 140 it meant there was more money then expected. As my shift was coming to an end I began thinking that I could spend it it gambling. After all this was a unexpected windfall that I owed to know one. I could have called on my Hubby but didn’t. I continued a internal dialogue for about 3 hours. I had myself convinced to go and not tell my hubby until the wee hours of the morning after the damage was done. Then as I was almost ready to rush out I changed my mind and decided it simply wasn’t worth it. All the reasons began to rush in as to why it would be a bad idea and i choose to listen to myself . Sufficed to say I won over the urge on my own and felt stronger than ever. I then began to see how to put the money to good use. I think the reason for this might be the hypnosis taking hold and the impact it would have on my hubby won out in the end. This says to me that I can rely on my own strength and will need to do this from now on in order to really get beyond this addiction. Feeling quite proud of myself FG