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Thanks Charles for your post. I definitely needed this vacation. Everywhere we went was awesome and spending time with my Aunt was great. My Daughter is spending the night with my Mom which I appreciate. It gives me some more time with my Grandson before they leave tomorrow. My Mom isn’t progressing in her recovery. I hate to say it but it’s like she is giving up. I know that she has been through a lot and I think she is depressed which I was told is normal. She acts so negative and I feel like she is getting too dependant on me. She is capable at this point to take care of her basic needs but she doesn’t try. I will take it one day at a time. I plan to start back at the gym on Monday. I need to take care of myself. Oh, she was very mean to my cousin who stayed with her for the week I was gone. She had very few positive things to say about her. Real sad and discouraging. I’m getting mentally tired just talking about it. I’m going to take care of myself and distance myself so I can get through this.