Thanks Kpat for your post. My cousin who is a nurse also says the confusion will get better as soon as she is home in her own surroundings. I slept in her room, in the dreaded recliner last night. She called me, with the help of a nurse and sounded fearful. She thought the nurses were trying to poison her and she refused to take any meds till I got there. She seems to be more confused and scared at night. I am resting at my daughter’s house and I will go back this evening and stay the night with her. Glad that we will be going home in the next few days as my back and neck ache. You can’t get comfortable in the recliner. I will have help for a few days after we get home (sister), and then I am on my own. I live 4 blocks from her, so I will be staying with her till she recoups. I will keep a eye on her mental state. If it doesn’t get better, I will take her to the doctor and take it from there. It’s going to be alright.