Thanks Kpat, Vera, and P for your posts! It means so much to me. Today my Mom was moved out of the ICU. She is doing much better. She can now grasp and hold things as the swelling in her hands is almost gone. Now she needs to walk more and eat to get her strength up. She hasn’t taken any pain meds for 2 days and is talking more. I am staying at the hospital for 6 to 7 hours daily then coming to my Daughter’s home to have dinner with her and my Grandson and sleep. I slept the first 2 nights in a reclining chair and my back and neck ached. She is in good hands and I don’t worry about her when I am not there. My Sister is going to take a few days off of work to help me so I can have a little break. My cousin who is a nurse is going to stay with my Mom while my Daughter, Grandson, and I are on vacation in June. My oldest Daughter said she would come up on weekends to help. So I don’t feel like I am in this alone. I will be glad when we can go home. Maybe by the end of the week.