Thanks P for your post! Most of my days are happy but I do get sad when I see a couple around the age of my Hubby and I holding hands. It reminds me of something I don’t have and that I took for granted. I think my Hubby would be proud of me for moving on and staying strong and getting business done, not falling apart. He said he was always amazed at me for dealing with home, work, the kids and Grandson and being able to plan things in my head for future reference. He said he could only do one thing at a time and couldn’t think about more than 1 plan at a time. LOL!! I did some grocery shopping today as my Grandson will be coming home with me on Friday. I still have snow in my backyard, it hasn’t melted yet. I am playing the go between for my Daughter and her friend/business partner via emails. I am trying to get her off the 3 year lease (store). Everyone is agreeing to it, so I am waiting for the paperwork to be emailed to me so my Daughter can sign and have it notarized. I don’t believe it was her time to open a shop. I don’t think that she was truly ready and committed to it. Though I don’t agree with all the things that her business partner did, I have to say that there are some things I do agree with. My Daughter has a lot on her plate, her son and a full time job. I don’t think that she realized how much work would be involved. There will be another time for her. She thinks she is going to get screwed over and not be compensated for the money she invested. There was not a written contract between them only verbal. I truly believe that her business partner will pay her back her share. Don’t ask me why, I just have that feeling. I am going to help her out weekly with my Grandson as I had promised till the end of May when school is out. He can stay a lot of the summer with me and go to a day camp for part of the summer where his parents live. When school starts in the fall, they can put him into a after school program. Right now he goes to karate camp 2 days a week after school. Maybe it is good that I have moved also regarding my Daughter. I feel that sometimes I take on a lot of the Mother role regarding my Grandson and that I have enabled that. I love my Grandson with all of my heart but maybe it is time for his parents to take care of him and for me to just be Grandma. I would still see him on weekends and school breaks and if something comes up and they really need me, I will be there. Maybe it is time for me to find out what things and activities, hobbies that I would like to pursue. I hope I don’t sound selfish. I bought some dinner from the deli and I am going to take it to my Mom’s this evening. Although we don’t always see eye to eye, I know that I need to spend time with her and put my differences aside as one day she won’t be here. I don’t want any regrets. I haven’t gambled or had urges. I am just so busy traveling back and forth to the city and trying to get my house together and doing yard work. I have better things to do with my money and time. I hope everyone had a great gamble free day!