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Thanks P for your post! There are no GA groups here. I have made the decision that after summer is over, I will do some volunteer work. There is a web site that I can go on. I ran into the woman whom I was going to take a interest course with and we had a long conversation. We are going to meet for lunch soon. I am going to have my Grandson spend part of next month with me so I don’t want to make any plans with volunteer jobs yet. Today was a very difficult one with my Mother. I took her for a follow-up appointment with her primary doctor. Afterwards she was in her mood (which she is in 75 percent of the time). She is mean, rude, and knows everything. She thinks she is a strong person but I perceive the way she behaves as being weak. She doesn’t know how to communicate so she tries to bully others with her bad behavior. Really sad and I refuse to put up with it anymore. I went home shortly after she started her shenanigans. I am not buying into it anymore! She has no grace. Anyways, the plumber was here for 4 hours. Everything is done and it cost less than I expected. I want to say that I feel bad for not contributing more to others threads here but I feel so tired lately (mentally). I do care.