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Well obviously we are all here for a reason and that is just a fact of life, we all have the power to do whatever we want to do in life and that is also just a fact of life……………..are people generally good or are people generally bad……… that is a matter of opinion, in my honest opinion we can all be good and we can all be bad (as all of us well know) so is it a case of doing more good than bad in our life…………….I think so, so why do we do bad things………………who knows, I have never classed gambling as a “bad thing” as such, the consequences off my gambling lead to many “bad things” all created from me of course and in turn cause a domino effect ending up in a world of pain (can I add every time I decide to make that first bet) so this is a cycle………….and if I choose to gamble again I complete the wheel in this cycle and it starts again…………..I have heard of the term vicious circle…………….well if I dont break that Circle or cycle then nothing will ever change, the same things will just happen over and over again with the same result, now this doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out but being a compulsive gambler it does take a lot of hard work to brake the cycle, its a classic actually meaning “if nothing changes then nothing changes” so ok things have to change, what works for one will not for another so its time to dig deep and really find out what works for me, once I find what really works for me I will hold onto it for dear life and use it till my dying day…………

This is such a long winded post so unnecessary and in answer to my question what is the meaning of life the answer is pure and simple……………….

“love each other as we should love ourself”

Life seems to be like a roller coaster and at times I dont know when or how to get off……
