Awww the lovely morning after a horrible night of gambling!:(…I feel so ashamed…My kids have no idea but I still have a hard time facing them…I am such a horrible Mom to waste what little money I do have on a hope and a prayer…I don’t understand why I keep doing this to myself. I keep reading posts and researching gambling hoping there is some quick fix…maybe that’s what gambling is to me a hope that it could be a quick fix to my financial troubles. WHAT A JOKE!…I just wish I didn’t have to worry every second of everyday about my finances…it’s not all from gambling…I just don’t make enough to cover the basics…it’s so frustrating…as I’m writing this I’m feeling like I’m not being completely honest…and if I can’t be honest here where can I be?…So, let’s start over…If I didn’t gamble…I would have had thousands of dollars in my bank account after my summer job(I have summers off because I work at a school) …now I have nothing…negative nothing!!…I wouldn’t have overdraft fees and no money for my daughters trip…and bills waiting to be paid. I don’t make enough throughout the school year but my summer job helps me get through the winter if I don’t gamble it away….Now I’m in big trouble…bills won’t be paid, no trip for my daughter, no Christmas….blah, blah….UUUggghhh! I want to stop…but feel like I’m not strong enough…WOW! I’m pathetic…