Hi Twilight
I don’t think there would be a person here who hasn’t lived with the ugly of gambling.
We are here because we have all overstepped the line from normal supposedly social gambling into that ugly vile place of addiction, terrible things I have done which are completely alien to me as a person in recovery, from this ugly vile compulsive gambling, I have much regret, remorse guilt over so much that has happened over the last few years of my life fully aware of what my gambling caused those closest to me, I don’t think that any of us here need any reminder of that, I am sorry that your father never thought he had a gambling problem, that must be very painful for you.
I never knew that gambling could become an addiction if I had known that all those years ago, I would never have gambled, I am a level headed person with an addiction that I am addressing every day of my life , none of us are perfect whether cg or not. No, the gambler is not the only one to suffer, I do know that. Thank you for sharing your Writing.