Dear diary,
When I look at year 2015 in year 2014
I was thinking, this is what I am going to do.
The goal looks big and has many ways for a gambler like myself to fail along the way.
Frankly I was not very confident, it look achievable on paper but has never work.
I have a habit of sabotaging myself, the problem was me.
When the going gets tough and I look to myself, I just cannot find the strength and endurance to carry on but when the going gets tough and I look to God, things change, my life change
When things are doing well and I look to myself, I can grow arrogant, proud and careless but when things are doing well and I look to God, I can remain humble and mindful.
One day at a time, stay focus, check myself regularly
make sure I am still moving in the right direction and not drifted
One month at a time
Complete one thing at a time
The first few months was always the toughest
Many times I have to dig the deepest to persist and carry on.
In the last few months, the results are already showing
The results will be very encouraging and become the driving force as the finishing line gets closer.