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Good to hear from you both.
Jon, ty for your advice, unfortunately not the right advice for me. I am fat intolerant so ketogenic lethal for me,tried it when I knew less about triggers for my stomach and gut issues. Didn’t lose a lb and it made me sick. I eat small meals now. The tests I am having are for pancreatic enzymes ie the ability to digest fat and sugar and I have a lesion on my pancreas that needs closer examination. My guts are stable at the moment on a low fat, low sugar, no dairy diet.
Had to stop taking the Chinese herbs this week as like last time quick on the cough but bad stomach pain which stops when I stop them.
My scan this week did not go well, the usual faffing about for a vein for 40 minutes and then they gave up. In the scanner for ages in what might not be a diagnostic scan without the contrast. Bought books this week and have read a lot. Books and Shopping r my. go tos. My bank balance is much lower than this time last year but I have a spa break in Devon this week. Survived the work week and now have a week off. Yippee!
And you know what, the email re a tax refund was a scam from support at inland revenue. I didn’t reply to it and did one week later to find it had been taken down. This was a very realistic email and how did they know I was dealing with the support function there?
Had a great massage yesterday.