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Well done on walking out after the first bet, Lee.
Well done on not chasing your loss.
Well done on keeping some money for a meal out.
Well done on giving that money to your wife.
Well done on recording how you feel.
Well done on looking around at what you have and not what you don’t have.
Gambling comes and goes. It is not YOU! Don’t define yourself by your faults and flaws. Nobody is perfect.
I sometimes ask “how will I live without gambling?” The answer is “a CG cannot live WITH gambling”. When we gamble something inside us dies.
Put this episode behind you.
Start again.
Never look back.
I haunt myself with gambling regrets too.
Walking out with money shows you are making progress.
Take it from here and don’t crucify yourself.
Don’t let gambling take your hope as well as your money.
Keep moving forward Maverick. Looking back can be dangerous. Focus on now. It’s all any of us have.
Well done on posting.
Enjoy your night out.