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    • #186161

      Huh, lately I have fucked it great.

      Great great great huge enormous…

      Could not stop it from gambling… sport bets and mainly slots…

      It is how it is- very bad.

      I have some serious debts which I could cover next year IF I stop gambling.

      This makes me very nervous.

      The first time I must admit I am a compulsive gambler. This last year was very very bad.

      Hopefully, some money are in the account of my wife.

      She knows nothing.

      Or anyone else. About these.

      I am ashamed of myself.

      Have a good job, great wife, great kids.

      I am very ok with everthing except this shit.

      Just turned 40 and hope that this year will be a turning point for me.

      Hope that will take one day by one day…

      I am a mess…

    • #186206

      So, this is JUST the #day2.

      Yesterday was horrible in the morning, the same feelings you were all aware …

      I was thinking that except stealing and borrowing money from known people/my parents/etc, I have done everything…. I just did not get to that point where I lied or smth… was not needed.

      Hope to all end now.

      I am thinking about goint to Gamnblers Anonymous from my town… Still ashamed of what I have done and what this betting thing is doing to me..

      Must get back to sport, focus on kids, fammily, work,

    • #186208

      I was just thinking how it all started …

      I was sincer I was about 12-13 Yrs old when in our villange slot machines were brought and of course that was the main fun for everyone. Including adults, teenegers and kids.

      That was were we were going all the time in the evening to play. but of course we had no big amounts of money so it was fun.

      In the high scholl it was nothing serious and later when was moving to the faculty, form time to time some serious sport bets when I had the money…

      After the faculty I had some big bets also won, some lost… but did not play on slots.

      The crash happened when I have discovered the slot machines, 3-4 years ago… that was the total damage… absolutely total damage.

      Gives you that continuous sensation, pumping adrenaline and hope or what the hell is that…. and you all the time end up lossing, I know that…

    • #186211

      Hi Yoyo

      Thank you for sharing.

      Looking forward to your next post!

      • #186251


        Hi Kin,

        It is complicated…

        Fortunately, did not deposit any other money since 26.

        Not so fortunately, yesterday received a bonus- did not deposit anything, which, of course I have played and lost it (of course as it had big wager).

        I will block all the emails cu bets so that I will not be tempted anymore.

        Having a look yesterday while wagering the bonus at all the streamers loosing their money while advicing not to play because this is what is happening…and still 2-3000 people are wathcing live, discussing, bragiing with the winning or complaining about the losses…

        Do not know what is happening…

        However, I am looking forward for 2024 to start and hope everything to change on these…

    • #186281

      Hi Yoyo, there is a great life after gambling. I honestly thought gambling and lies would be my life forever. The groups which used to be on here helped me greatly. Also I installed GAMBAN on my phone and mobile devices. It was a game changer.

      Keep doing what you are doing. Seek support everywhere and anywhere and do everything it takes to get you through it. It’s hard but so worth it! Imagine waking up free from guilt, money worries and lies every morning and instead having your head full of plans.

      All of us can do this and so can you. The resources and the will to suceed are inside you.

      • #186441


        Yes, I am trying to change the whole thing regarding this disease.

        Thinking how it all appeared from over 25-28 years ago and that I was addicted in one way or another all this time…

        This is the very first time when I am dead serious about changing something about gambling…

        Keep all posted and hope all to be good.


    • #186625

      Hi Yoyo,
      How are things? I wanted to change everything too. Now I try to remind myself its ‘progress not perfection’.
      Each time we manage to avoid gambling for any length of time, our brain learns we can do it.
      I have been free for a while but not without a few setbacks along the way. Today I really wanted to gamble. Lots of times buying petrol is a challenge because of the lottery tickets beside the till. Once you start to see success you can stop and think I now am getting the things I believed I needed a win for. Of course the win never went on those things anyway.
      Stay serious Yoyo. Keep trying. Pat yourself on the back for everytime you say no to gambling. Stick with it. You deserve a life without this misery.

      • #186633

        Thank you!

        It is very hard but now I am determined not to do any mistake.

        Hope to chance something about going to gym and that would be kind of all.

        It could be simple if we really really want it. And I really really want to get rid of these disease…

        Hope to do it and keep on doing this.

        I was listening to an actor who was also addicted, mentioning that the gambling is always keep on telling lies about the potential next spin which could get you out of trouble…

        Best of luck to you too.

    • #186634

      I forgot to say that this is … #day14.

    • #187128

      so, 19.01.2024 and still keep it on. #Nobets

    • #187137

      Hi yoyo
      Gambling has made me useless all my family members sees me as unuseful person

    • #187136

      I really need help on stopping gambling

    • #187481

      The Gamban app helped me a lot to stay really gamble free, it costs a few euros but they are worth it. To block all your phones and computers is important to remind yourself. Emails Ive blocked all, it we’re hundreds and it took me hours just to bring them to the spam..

    • #187482

      But today my email address is mostly free, and when there is a casino which wants to get me, I block it instantly. They are dark, and they want to grab on you to get you also into their darkness

    • #187493

      So today is… #1month of gambling free.

    • #188237

      #day49 or 1 month and 18 days since last gamble.

      I am very good with the urge…have feeling some urges but not something out of control.

      Not I am terrified not to mess up with what I have achieved so far so Will not do anything to screw up.

      I like the peacefull.

    • #188271

      Hi yoyo,

      Congratulations on the gamble free days!

    • #188282

      Good morning
      Congrats on your gamble free days!
      I have been coming back to this forum for years because I like to see if I have beat this thing, the answer
      is always no. Speaking from experience “we are not normal gamblers, even after staying away for a while,’ so please stay strong and stay completely away.
      Wishing you well, from a compulsive gambler.

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