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    • #8345


      I came across it in my head

                                             While joining up the dots,

                                             Connecting thoughts and memories

                                             Unravelling knarled knots

                                             Sifting through my dreams and plans

                                             Some future and some past

                                             Creating a kaleidoscope

                                             Of colours made to last.



                                             At first it was just like a voice

                                             A tiny whispered sound

                                             That gradually grew louder

                                             Becoming more profound.

                                             I tried to trace it’s origin

                                             The thought that formed the word

                                             The message partly spoken

                                             Had left me quite perturbed.



                                              I sought the root of gambling

                                              It’s basis or it’s cause

                                              Awaited patiently for an answer

                                              Content to linger and to pause

                                              I ask that inner, wise voice

                                              Whence it’s source and seed

                                              My search revealed that gambling

                                              Stems from avarice and greed.


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