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    • #8664

      Is there any hope for me ?

      Or am I just delusional,

      Chasing a desire I cannot accomplish ?

      Do I suffer with OCD ?

      Trying aimless to analyse and make sense of it all ?


      I don’t want pity, I don’t want counselling,

      Don’t even want to talk.


      I know it all, been there and tried it all,

      Yet after coming to terms and making that choice to stop,

      Here, I am 4 years later, 

      Another year, starting so wrong !


      Lord, rid me of this chains and bondage,

      The pain, guilt and shame, tearing mind and soul apart,

      Robbing me of happiness and peace of heart.

      Why am I so unhappy when I am blessed,

      And know You care and love me dearly, too ?


      I tried so hard this week, to walk closer with You,

      After re-affirming my faith and walk.

      But it seems all the more why I did so badly tonight,

      Like struck by lightening and hit by a truck !


      There is no more woe or self pity,

      I’ve become hard and callous as I fight this battle within,

      I realise this is my path in search for happiness

      For things I lost or don’t have,

      When happiness lies in contentment

      And focusing on what I have, not what I have not !


      Oh, wretched soul that I am,

      Who will deliver me from this evil !

      I need to find my happiness from within,

      To stop deceiving myself,

      that chasing the god of money,

      will bring happiness and success !

    • #77521

      Nicely written

    • #77526

      Great! Thanks for sharing

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by markwi27.
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