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    • #76078

      Hi everyone in GT forum.

      I find this GT support forum reading and own journal to be very important part of my journey to stop this gambling addiction.

      Beside own journal, i would like to set up monthly topic thread to encourage anyone who is keen to join in to pledge to be Gambling free for each month. Breaking into monthly journey as we take each step at a time. And to be accountz

      Hoping to create a small community to post support, motivate, and any sharing together on this topic.

      “Pledging to be GF for month MARCH 2021”

      1) Sunny

    • #76101
      G Rec

      Hi Sunny

      I am on board with that, pledging to be gamble free for March 2021

      2) GRec

    • #76104

      “Pledging to be GF for month MARCH 2021”

      1) Sunny
      2) GRec

    • #76105

      Great shout out to GRec for joining on broad for GF month March 2021!

      @ GRec I’m hoping to challenge you on being accountability to be GF for this March.

      Hi all, lets join us together to put into action to pledge to be GF for month 2021!

      Lets keep this March to be a great one! Kick off **** , lets keep counting down together for a GF month MARCH!!!

      Keep this GF pledge ongoing and keep be active to post, share and motivate each other here as we work down this month together!!


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