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    • #189705

      I am not really sure what to put here. I know I have a problem and it is affecting my family. I want to stop. I found this website in hopes that it will help me to stop going online to gambling sites. I would love some advice on how others have stopped. I will write more later but I just wanted to get started right away and actually putting something down.

    • #189756

      Hi Flynn

      Welcome to Gordon Moody

      Accepting that you have a problem takes guts and is an important first step towards retaking control of your life.

      Are your family aware that you have this problem and if so, are they willing to support you?

      Posting here regularly will become a journal of your recovery; a place that you can look back on, whenever you are feeling less confident, to see how far you have come. It has worked for many, many people, just like you.

      It takes courage and determination to face a gambling problem and you can do it – if you couldn’t I wouldn’t be here writing to you.

      Keep posting and I will keep following your progress.


    • #190104

      Hi flynn,

      Thank you for sharing.

      Looking forward to your next post.

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