- This topic has 32 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by CraigMac6.
2 December 2019 at 1:00 pm #53331CraigMac6Participant
Quick introduction of myself: 36 years old, been gambling for about 10 years. Gamble on sports. Love sports, love having action on games while I watch them. Unfortunately I’m an addict and don’t know when to quit. It’s not recreational, it’s losing everything and putting my family in tough situations. I don’t like the man, gambling has turned me into. I’ve allowed it to happen and I can make a change. It’s not going to be easy but it’s possible, one day at a time. I will come here often because I know the support helps, as well as putting my thoughts down almost as a way of “venting”. Ive told my fiancé this morning of my gambling. This isn’t the first time this has occurred but I’m hopeful she stays by my side. If I were her, I’m not sure I would be able to after all the pain and hurt I’ve caused her. I’ve been so selfish, incredibly selfish. Today is a new day, and I will not gamble today. Have a great day all. I will make the most of today!!
2 December 2019 at 3:58 pm #53332i-did-itParticipant
Hi Craig ,
You are not selfish – you have an addiction !
What has helped me in my recovery is understanding how the addiction manages to override all my good intentions – and understanding that I am a good, lovable person who deserves compassion not criticism.The addiction however is a sneaky, manipulative beast who will do everything to destroy us.
Please put blockers on all your internet devices (I use gamban) and join Gamstop if you are in the U.K.
Make it impossible to gamble in whatever way you need to .
In the meantime perhaps you could get a counsellor to help you understand more about this disease and how to overcome it .
Keep strong and know that you are not alone in this . -
3 December 2019 at 9:00 am #53333duncParticipant
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
3 December 2019 at 1:05 pm #53334CraigMac6Participant
Hello All,
Here I am at day two. While I do agree with you, I am an addict without question, however, I believe my addiction made me a selfish person and it went beyond just gambling. Yes I would do selfish things to feed my addiction, but I would do selfish things in general just because. Having said that, I know I can’t control what happened in the past, I can only control the moment. As I move forward with my recovery, I’m a firm believer we must hit rock bottom before we make a change, and I believe I’ve hit that mark. I’ve hurt so many people over the years and I’ve put my family in a huge financial bind. I’m very close to losing my fiancé, as I have lost her trust. I’m very close to losing my kids because of my addiction. I don’t believe it can get much worse. Having said that, as I push forward, I can only go up. I know I can overcome this addiction. It won’t be hard, but it’s possible with support, a positive attitude and a drive to get my freedom and life back. Today I will not gamble.Thanks for reading and please know i read a lot of your journals as we are all fighting the same battle. Have a great day all. Be great!!
3 December 2019 at 10:00 pm #53335BadsportsbettorParticipant
I will be following! Stay strong and keep your head up. You and I have a similar problem with sports gambling, that being said try and avoid any triggers if you can. I know that’s hard but even watching games can be very challenging!
Stay strong and we are with you!
4 December 2019 at 1:54 pm #53336CraigMac6Participant
Hello all,
Thanks for stopping in! Yes badsportsbettor, the fact that I love sports and enjoy watching games makes the quit even more difficult. I’ve been down this road before and often times at the beginning I stop watching sports for the most part. I might watch for a few minutes then move on to something else . The bottom line is, I know how sports betting affects my life. I can win a few games or maybe even win for a week but I’m powerless over gambling and always give it right back PLUS more! I don’t have the necessary discipline to win at sports betting. I crave the action. It’s not just about money, and that’s why I fail.
I’m in a good place mentally. I’ve told my fiancé everything. I have nothing left to hide and i feel relieved.
I know my triggers come when I have some “extra” money and 1 bet won’t hurt and when I win, I will cash out. Blah blah blah, all a lie. I know I can take 2 weeks off of sports betting and come back and win. With a clear mind, I’m ok at the addiction. The problem again, is I’m powerless over gambling. I can’t stop. Then I lose, then I chase then my mind is so foggy I make bad bets, blah blah blah.
I know this isn’t going to be easy but I have committed myself to coming here daily and often times multiple times per day to get me through the tough times.
I know I’m probably in the minority when it comes to using blockers and such. While I do think they might help, but it’s like anything, if I want to gamble, I will find a way to gamble. With or without the blockers in place . Maybe they are nice in times of weekness, I don’t know. But I do know, I’m more old school. The bottom line is, in order for me quit, I must want to be gambling free more than I want to place a bet. I read on here of the gentleman who banned himself from local casinos but still somehow was able to go into that casino and gamble. The “blockers” were in place yet it still didn’t stop him from gambling. That’s no shot at the gentlemen, it’s just an example how our will has to be strong. We can’t just say I have a blocker I can’t gamble bc the addictive mind will find a way. Just my opinion though.
I hope all of you have a beautiful day and are able to focus on all the good things life has to offer with a clear mind and soul. Be great all! -
4 December 2019 at 8:53 pm #53337SauchgirlParticipant
Hi CraigM,
Well done on coming here and getting the support you need. I think telling your fiancé was a very brave 1st step. Saying it out loud and telling someone face to face Really shows your strength of character and your want/need to beat this. You sound like a really decent guy and I hope you manage to work through it all together. I agree gambling brings out the worst in us, the stress and the worry of losses definitely brought out of the worst in me. I never thought of myself as a greedy selfish person until gambling.
Stay strong, you can do this. Keep coming back. Reading everyone’s struggles and successes have really helped me and I believe I can do it to.
4 December 2019 at 8:53 pm #53338SauchgirlParticipant
Hi CraigM,
Well done on coming here and getting the support you need. I think telling your fiancé was a very brave 1st step. Saying it out loud and telling someone face to face Really shows your strength of character and your want/need to beat this. You sound like a really decent guy and I hope you manage to work through it all together. I agree gambling brings out the worst in us, the stress and the worry of losses definitely brought out of the worst in me. I never thought of myself as a greedy selfish person until gambling.
Stay strong, you can do this. Keep coming back. Reading everyone’s struggles and successes have really helped me and I believe I can do it to.
5 December 2019 at 12:47 pm #53339CraigMac6Participant
Hello all,
Hope everyone is doing well today and we all have clear minds to beat this addiction one day at a time.
I’m short on time this morning but I wanted to make my pledge to you all to not gamble today. My finances are a mess right now, and it’s stressful but I know everything will work out. Just mad at myself for putting my family in this position. I do know this never has to happen again if I continue to be gamble free.
I appreciate everyone for sharing their stories and commenting on my journal, it truly helps.
Lets get through today with positive thoughts and appreciation for life! We are not alone, together we can do this! -
5 December 2019 at 4:46 pm #53340Mo money mo problemsParticipant
I’m reading your blog daily with interest, we’re all rooting for you to maintain it!
6 December 2019 at 1:25 pm #53341CraigMac6Participant
Thanks everyone for stopping in. Feeling good today. I’ve been trying to keep as busy as possible these last 5 days and it’s helped. I do have some urges to gamble especially with the football weekend approaching, however, I know one bet will put me in an even worst position than I currently am already in. Have a great day all and I’ll be checking in later this evening.
Lets do this!!!
6 December 2019 at 2:27 pm #53342Seanraj4731Participant
Hello craig just read your journal your fiance is standing with you at this time man you are to be very thankful. Keep on keeping on man. I wil also be checking as well. I appriecate this site to share on how you feel.
7 December 2019 at 4:55 pm #53343CraigMac6Participant
Making my daily commitment to it gamble a little late today. Thankfully, God blessed me with a great part time job that pays really well. I went to training this morning and I get to start working tonight. This will help my finances quite a bit. A true blessing! I know this would have never occurred had I not quit gambling. Today will be a difficult day in terms of gambling bc here in the US, college football games are on all day and that was my favorite thing to gamble on. Instead of gambling today, I’m going to spend time with my fiancé and daughter. Sounds like a much better idea than gambling all my money away.
Have a great day all!
7 December 2019 at 5:28 pm #53344Seanraj4731Participant
Good day Craig . You on day 6 stay strong brother. You are doing wat needs to be done to getting your life in order. Keeping on this site and being completely honest to ur love one. Continue to be encourage. I am here to support in giving positive words to uplift you and myself as well. I spoke to my friend today abt what i am going through. He thought i had everything together. He just saw a smoke screen. He told me that he never thought i would of been in that light that is gambling. He was shocked to know what i was going through. But he urges me to stop and get back my life together. I am thankful.and was honest when i told him everything.
8 December 2019 at 12:56 pm #53345CraigMac6Participant
Had my first shift at my part time job. It was very enjoyable and an overall fun experience. Today makes one week since I placed my last wager. I’m just thankful for today and not having too many urges to bet. That’s partly becauE I have no money, the challenge comes when the income starts rolling in. I’m going to stay close to this site and express myself to my fiancé. She has been very understanding with this quit and receptive to my thoughts. It’s been a blessing. Have an awesome day everyone!
8 December 2019 at 2:13 pm #53346Seanraj4731Participant
Yes Craig That is certainly the biggest challenge we face whenever we have that money in our grasp that were the battle really starts. the mind is tell you “c’mon lets go and win it all back!” Thats the reason why i am decided to committed to this forum to distract my mind from the machines. I am free. Keep on keeping on. keep at this forum pour your thoughts and feeling into it. it help i am sure. Talk to your fiance be open and honest. Once she lends her support you are on the road to recovery. Be thankful brother.
9 December 2019 at 1:54 pm #53347CraigMac6Participant
One week down! I still need to focus on 1 day at a time.
Like most of us, I can quit for a few weeks, a few months then bam out of nowhere I get the urge and “placing one bet won’t hurt” comes to my mind and it’s all over. Understanding this will happen, will help me be prepared for that moment.
As I’ve said before the real challenge will happen when I get money flowing into my account, but I have added my fiancé to my checking account so she can help me manage my money as well as keep me accountable.
Excited to be quit today. Day 8!
Lets do this!! Be great everyone! -
9 December 2019 at 1:54 pm #53348CraigMac6Participant
One week down! I still need to focus on 1 day at a time.
Like most of us, I can quit for a few weeks, a few months then bam out of nowhere I get the urge and “placing one bet won’t hurt” comes to my mind and it’s all over. Understanding this will happen, will help me be prepared for that moment.
As I’ve said before the real challenge will happen when I get money flowing into my account, but I have added my fiancé to my checking account so she can help me manage my money as well as keep me accountable.
Excited to be quit today. Day 8!
Lets do this!! Be great everyone! -
9 December 2019 at 7:16 pm #53349Seanraj4731Participant
I agree many times you are faced with that mindset. Telling you one bet and you will win the big jackpot. Fell most of the time in that trap. Today i walked passed those traps i said to myself i am going to save my money for something useful. I want to continue being addicted to saving my funds. Yes that is the challenge when the money is available to you on your account the temptation and the mind battle begins. Brother i know it you know it lets us be strong and rewire reprogram reboot renew reset our minds to focus on the freedom on the road to recovery by putting better use of our time and seeing the value of our health above it all. Money is not the issue it is our minds brother. Observe the mind be aware of its thoughts and delete and clear those unwanted thoughts or better yet redesign your thoughts to help someone with a bigger problem than yours. Importantly be thankful always for the ability to help others by helping yourself in the process. Thank you brother.
9 December 2019 at 7:19 pm #53350Seanraj4731Participant
Keep it up brother. Good job.
10 December 2019 at 1:20 pm #53351CraigMac6Participant
Wow!! Well said my brother! Thank you for those amazing words. You are absolutely right we need to re-wire our brains.
Our health!! Yes!! Absolutely the most important thing of it all. Without our health we have nothing and I know as a gambling addict my health wasn’t the best. I stopped going to the gym, I was often stressed, I ate a lot when I became stressed. Just overall terrible lifestyle. Thankful for today. Thankful for an opportunity to do better for myself and my family.
I appreciate your words and look forward to quitting with you today! Lets do this!! -
10 December 2019 at 1:50 pm #53352Seanraj4731Participant
Thank you Craig we both got uplift others to overcome this issue of losing the minds. Thankfully we are here to help others. Positive mind set are our goal each moment of our lives. Continue to strive in goodness brother.
Keep on keeping on.Goodness always
11 December 2019 at 7:44 pm #53353CraigMac6Participant
Short on time but I’m here to state my pledge to not gamble today. Been really busy with 2 jobs, and 3 kids and a fiancé. I love it though. Living life!
11 December 2019 at 9:26 pm #53354Seanraj4731Participant
Keep on keeping on brother!
12 December 2019 at 3:11 pm #53355CraigMac6Participant
I will not make any wagers today. I put my fiancé on my checking account, which has helped me a lot in terms of being accountable for my money.
Things have been going well so far. I’ve had thoughts of making a wager and winning then cashing out. However, I understand that’s not realistic. One bet is too many for an addict like myself. I will just continue to take this addiction 1 day at a time.
Thanks for all the support. Be great today! -
12 December 2019 at 11:01 pm #53356Seanraj4731Participant
Focus on the positive outlook of living free from gambling entirely. Live your best live now bro you gonna be strong and have an amazing mindset to turn your life360 around. For the greatness for yourself and family. I believe you are gonna break free away of all forms of temptations in anyway for you to go and gamble. I have realized it now one week after blowing away $6000. So here i am seeing the joy of living free frm gambling and free to live an awesome life from this moment onward. I love life. I love my beautiful life. I am thankful for my beautiful life. Thank you brother. And keep on posting.
14 December 2019 at 1:21 am #53357CraigMac6Participant
Short on time again but I appreciate you brother.
Thanks for your positive outlook, motivation and love. Stay strong brother! You’re doing great. The 6K can be replaced through hard work, the missed out opportunities with the family (bc we were gambling) can never be.
We can’t change the past but we absolutely control our present. Be great! -
14 December 2019 at 5:07 am #53358Seanraj4731Participant
Good day craig continue to be encourage. Stay positive and be aware of your thoughts at this time. Mindfulness is the key to keeping those urges at bay. As once as we observe our mental thinking and look at each thoughts we gonna get our lives back. Of course by living in the moment and enjoying our lives in the now gives us our strenght. To move forward. Thank you brother. I am in my 9th day GF.
14 December 2019 at 1:53 pm #53359CraigMac6Participant
Another busy day for myself and the family. Heck I think all of us are busy, so there is no excuse for me to not post my pledge each day. We find time for what is important and being free of my addiction is still my main priority.
Again, I thank you for your words of encouragement and truth. You make such great points. Mindfulness, yes!! Absolutely vital to success and loving the moment too! Thanks for all the support. Here’s to another day! Lets do this! -
16 December 2019 at 3:38 am #53360CraigMac6Participant
Late checking in but 2 weeks gambling free today. Will check in again in a few hours, pushing towards day 15!
16 December 2019 at 8:32 am #53361KiwiMacParticipant
Great job! It is a busy time of year, but sometimes it’s good to have the distraction from thoughts of gambling. I am 9 days gamble free and tomorrow will be in double digits. Small progress but it feels good, and is something to keep building on.
16 December 2019 at 11:17 am #53362Seanraj4731Participant
Keep on keeping on man. Keep that positive mind of self worth. Your health is your greatest wealth brother. Congrats man. I am on Day 11 pushing on 12 rewiring my mind constantly to focus on a better life not only for myself but for my son. Thank you. Keep on posting bro.
19 December 2019 at 2:28 pm #53363CraigMac6Participant
Sorry I’ve been away for a while, not intentionally though. I’ve been so busy with work, family and my 2nd job I started working to help get me back on track financially. Things have been going very well. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to even think of placing a bet. I know with the football bowls coming up, I will have urges. Gambling just isn’t worth it anymore to me. It causes too many problems, and it creates a monster in me that I don’t want in my life.
I hope all of you are well. Keep on keeping on. Gambling free!!
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