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    • #12696

      You quit, start to re-build, and lose it all once again ? When you have no place to go, somebody to turn to for help or guidance ? What do you do when you are in desperate mode ? People are calling to collect their money, and you have none to give ? You lost your trust, reputation and no power or will to move forward ? Is it possible for a fresh start ? I always thought there is, and still think it’s possible, but I do have a question and hoping for someone that could give me a clear answer to all of this.
      Why is the government in many countries around the world allowing this to happen ? Why do they want your money, your savings, your life ? Why aren’t they protecting you against these casinos that just want it all! Why do people work there, and why are they trained a specific strategy to make you lose everything. It’s really sad, and I wish they never existed maybe life would have been different. A better place.
      To me everything is starting to be fake, corrupted and so well calculated that no matter how much money you make a month you will spend and more! You will always be in debt no matter what. God forbid you make a mistake (like gambling) you are a dead man. Will this go on forever ? What is the key to success, how can one have a happy life without going through something like this ?
      I don’t need their money, but they want mine!

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