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  • in reply to: today I lost everything #29074

    What a absolutely brilliant post. I think everything I’ve read in here hits the nail on the absolute head. So relatable. You’re right though, about the drugs thing, it’s funny how they get pity, we get brushed off. I think it’s more people aren’t sure how to react to gambling, it’s not a sociably acceptable thing to know about (if that makes sense). Drugs you see talked about everywhere, so everybody has an opinion. Gambling is never talked about, the silent disease. It’s difficult. Bit about myself. Recently come off a 5, nearly 6 year binge (I’ll write a seperate post soon enough), I’ve won thousands, lost even more and I’m only 24. I’ve spunked 10,000 up the wall my Grandparents left me, something I will never live down as long as I live. The longer those days tick by, the better you feel. I like you Adam am extremely inpatient, I’m looking at my bank account thinking it’s going to take a couple of years to get back to where I was, and you know what, so be it, I always wanted the nice things in life, the only way I’m getting that is by pure hard work, If it was ever going to be through gambling, if gambling was such an easy way to make money do you think any of us would be here? No. You’ve done brilliantly so far Adam. Don’t let other people around you get you down. Do it for yourself, do it so you can turn around in a couple of years time and go you know what, I did it, I really fucking did it, and it’s all through hard work. I guarantee you will feel better than any buzz you’ve ever won through gambling. I will keep an eye on your posts, even if I will not post myself. If you ever would like a chat, just drop my name in your post. I’ll be sure to reply. Take care.

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