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  • in reply to: DAY 1 #150353

    Hi Sean Raj,

    You don’t know me but I have been reading your story of success for 2 years. I never commented as I didn’t feel worthy to share as I was still very much in the worst part of my addiction. I want to let you know that you have helped me. Today I haven’t gambled in 14 days which is a big success for me. Thank you for being an inspiration and congratulations on your success and sharing the great things you are now doing with your gamble free life.

    in reply to: My Journey- Final Day 1 #68799

    I work from home right now due to covid, sometimes on my breaks or on my lunch I would go on my personal computer and play a little bit of online casino games. I felt the urge today as it was “one of the days” at work I could have thrown my computer out the window it was so frustrating. … but I survived the work day and remained gamble fee…. tonight I’m not going to let myself have any stress or triggers I bought some good snacks and going to watch TV with the dog…. thank God tomorrow is Friday!! And my first weekend gamble free

    in reply to: My Journey- Final Day 1 #68797

    Well in that case congrats to you as well on Day 2 !! Keep focusing on all the positive ways your life will continue to be better as you continue to stay gamble free! In addition to the all the amazing things you will save for and be able to accomplish,  do you have a plan in place to limit access to your money to ensure you do not have another chance to gamble? That is one thing I organized in addition to the self exclusion of gambling sites 

    in reply to: My Journey- Final Day 1 #68793

    Yes i truly believe gambling is the worst addiction… money is an absolutely necessity and its terrible to have such little control over it. As of right now, as I am new to my journey of recovery I am trying to just be happy with myself and get out of the long cycle of hating myself and my addiction that I’ve been in for years. I think it is very important to come to terms with what I have done and accept it fully to move on. I think about how I was before I started having a gambling problem and I honestly wouldn’t even recognize that person… I look forward to finding her again….. i try not to put too much worry yet into what I will do to keep myself busy when  I’m not gambling I’m just focusing on simply taking it hour by hour… I’ve done a few months before and after about a month the feeling of relief and so much less stress just natural lead to me living a healthier lifestyle … how far into your recovery are uou?

    in reply to: My Journey- Final Day 1 #68791

    Hi Arywise, thank you very much for your support. I know what you mean about the online gambling, I was playing online slots the past few months while the casino was closed. I know the feeling very well of being so tuned out and focused on chasing a win for hours… today I’m appreciating aspects of my life that I often ignored .. more time with family etc… that is things money can never buy or fix. 

    in reply to: My Journey- Final Day 1 #68790

    Hi enough, thank you very much for your advice.  I agree with your about forgetting about the money lost. It almost feels like a grieving process in a way… I have to go through a phase of acceptance instead of being in denial that I can get the money back from gambling. Day 1 is nearly done and I currently feel at peace and blessed. 

    in reply to: I want to stop #68778

    I have read many posts, and this is one of my favorites. Would you be able to share the title of the YouTube meditation video?

    in reply to: I have found the SOLUTION to GAMBLING ADDICTION #68553

    Hello Charles.  I have a follow up question in regards to the success rate of gamblers who try to quit on their own cold turkey. I’ve heard this is about 2-5% . For those of us who are embarrassed , dont want to talk about gambling or think about gambling ever again until the urge creeps up 1 week later… 1 month later… 1 year later whatever it may be . How do people like prevent relapse?

    in reply to: DAY 1 #68538

    On my day 7.. thanks for this message


    And YES you do need a support system, admitting my problem to those closest to me was the most embarrassing thing I ever had to do, But it helped me having someone to support me who isn’t online…. the fact that you are scared of worrying them tells me that you have a very caring family. They will worry more if you have a problem and dont get help. 


    Hello, just wanted to let you know I am in same position. I had stopped gambling for month, I paid off my credit card and had savings in my ac***** for the first time this year. This week, I had a very good week at work, i felt on top of the world and thought to myself I have some extra money… I can’t treat myself to just a little bit of online gambling… fast forward to now (friday night) my Mastercard is once again maxed out and my savings are gone.  I too suffer .. I too do not know how to stop… I’m addicted to losing…. BUT feeling sorry for myself never got me anywhere except trying to chase the lose with more betting….. the best thing I can do for myself is surround myself with family and friends this weekend, ***** my blessings and start fresh. 

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