31 मई 2019 at 3:48 पूर्वाह्न
I’ve seen the Shack and read the book! It was good! I don’t have cable or internet. Itss not in my budget. My Sister is coming tomorrow to get her left over items from my storage room. Yeah! I can reorganize.
I was upset all day. My Sister seems to point out others short comings but never realizes her own. She likes to start things before she comes to visit. I don’t get it.
I came to the decision today that my Mom can’t watch my Granddaughter anymore. She’s not physically able.
My Daughter and I will have to talk as she needs to be here at least 2 days when she visits. I haven’t had a day to myself in 2 1/2 months. I need some me time.
I’ve tried to find a occasional babysitter but have had no luck.
I’m tired and cranky.