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Hi Liberty
I think you are right to ask for a female counselor to help you. Anxiety is something that I fight as well. It kind of grabs me by the throat sometimes. Gambling does put us in a sort of trance, but youu are so right that it is short lived. I noticed that after I first made a seriuos effort at quitting, my anxiety got much worse too as well as depression, but as some time went by, it did ease up as time went by. I think your book sounds excellent.
Debts and shame make anxiety worse for me, so I can’t go back to gambling to help in my coping. It just starts off a vicious cycle of self loathing, that is intolerable. I still have urges, but I am trying not to give them anytime to take hold of my thoughts. You are doing so well to seek counselling, I am rooting for you!