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Vera and Carole, what a lovely surprise!!!
I have been absent in more ways than one at the moment. I have no computer at home, I cant access the site on my phone so im at work getting a quick post in!!! The last 3 months have been so busy, I cant ever remember being this full on! Mum, well we are looking at moving her to a new facility, it looks like it will happen in the next month, this place is brand new, beautiful and the staff are very dedicated to dementia care (they call it sensitive care). Vera, mum will be coming for Christmas, there is no way we would leave her there, we are having lunch at my sisters so she is picking Mum up early so she can help with the preparations. We don’t know how she will go but this may be the last one where she still knows who we are so we are making the most of it and if she doesn’t like it well, too bad!!! Dames and I are picking up my stepdad and bringing him in. Things have been touchy with him, especially with the new facility. He wasn’t keen, he thought they would take more money and it took a bit to convince him that this wasn’t the case. We are very blessed to have this opportunity so we worked hard to make it happen. The family are all well, I am pretty organised for Christmas although I have to tackle a department store after work today which is a nightmare. I will, however stay calm and carry on!!!
I wish you both a happy Christmas, thank you so much for thinking of me, you have both helped my recovery more than you could ever know. I am truly blessed to have found this site, I will try to stop in more, perhaps when things settle down with mum and I don’t need to go into the facility every night (another story). Merry Christmas to all, I can only wish health and happiness for everyone here at GT.
Love K xxxxxxxxxx