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Dark Energy

2 days more to reach the 1-month mark, my mind is clear, and my mode is not bad.

I am planning to make a good change every 30 days and give it 30 days so this change will become a new habit.
The 1st 30 days were to put my gambling recovery back on track, and now I can say I am back on track and ready to take another step.
There are a lot of things in my life that need to be fixed, Now I am taking this new approach, and I will not overwhelm myself like I used to do, I used to start multiple things at the same time.

my next step is following a diet plan to tackle my weight problem or to stop smoking. Both are very difficult for me at this stage, because I use both of them to reduce stress and I have a very stressful period at work that will last for another 3 months.

I have 2 more days to decide, but I need to select the easiest option to commit to and focus on for the next 30 days to keep this snowball of good changes rolling and getting bigger and bigger.