E-mail support
If you’re looking for advice or information from a member of the Gambling Therapy team please drop us a line!
When the helpline is closed, you can still make contact with Gambling Therapy by email; we aim to respond within forty eight hours. However, sometimes people prefer to talk to us this way, rather than using groups or the helpline, so you can use email contact even if an advisor is online. Gambling Therapy offers an international service currently spanning twenty eight countries; making the option of help and support by email global, and accessible should your first language not be English.
For more information on any of our online gambling support services just click on the buttons on the left hand side of this page. To learn some fun and useful facts about online communication, click here
The email service is available to anyone residing outside Great Britain with a gambling problem or those affected by gambling through someone close to them. We also support individuals with a connection to the residential projects via e-mail.