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Here I am back to reality, recharged and ready to get to it.
I know I have been given so much this holiday season and I am so grateful for all my blessings.
I hope 2016 will be the year of major change more than ever. I am going to work my recovery harder than ever and stay out of the casinos for good.
I have 3 more sessions of hypnosis and will put all the effort and conviction into completing my goals.
I hope that this is the year that many of us here will succeed.
I want success for all of us but like everything in life it doesn’t always work out, so with that in mind remember we are here to lift each other up and help one another. We should never forget that our efforts can make a difference in others lives as well as our own. all of the advice I receive gives me the courage to continue the work I started when I joined on as a member years ago.
Thanks everyone for the tremendous love, understanding, patience, support and just plain being there for me and so many others. Happy New Year Everyone.Thanks maverick and P for your comments and I do hope to connect soon.