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Hi Sophia
It is so sad that he has an enabling family and I admire you so much for standing your ground and not adding to that enablement.
I would never tell anybody to stay or to leave a relationship when a gambling addiction is in the middle – we all have to make out own decisions….. but …… I do feel Sophia that the right thing for you is to throw yourself into your own life with friends and family who care about you.
The addiction to gamble gets worse, never better, without acceptance and treatment and your boyfriend does not seem to be ready to face his demons yet, you are doing all the work and worrying, he is not.
With the best clothes, gym membership, gold clubs and a fancy car he is unlikely to think he needs to do anything that will rock his boat. Facing his addiction will be a scary prospect for him; it takes a courage and a determination that he doesn’t need to call upon as long as he is enabled. He is probably putting off the day of reckoning for as long as he can do so. How old is your boyfriend?
I am sure he has lovely qualities, or you would not be caring for him but sadly the addiction he owns overshadows those qualities, so much so, you are having trouble seeing the man you fell in love with.
What are you doing each day that makes you happy? Are you seeing friends?
Tell me about you and your life, I would love to hear about you.
Please don’t ever feel nervous about speaking to me, I know the quandary you are in and I know the way the addiction to gamble can make you feel.
Please keep posting.