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  • 글쓴이
    • #14711

      Sorta stumbled across this site and thought that i would join- in the hope that maybe i feel a sense of being accountable to my commitment to quit gambling.
      I’ve sought counselling for gambling before- but the counsellor seemed to have the attitude that i did not have a problem- as i was well aware of techniques and tricks that one can use to get their gambling under control.
      I suppose knowing something and doing it are two very different things.
      I suppose in ways gambling to me is a symptom of deeper issues- and i’m thinking that this habbit is just like any other- and that the longer that i completely abstain from it- the stronger my resolve becomes. Eventually i believe that if i think of gambling i will reject that thought and say to myself ‘no freaken way in hell am i doin that ever again.’ lol- (i’m a bit far from that right now- but i can see that time will eventually come)
      Anyways i hope im making sense and look forward to getting to know everyone on here- and hopefully we can all support each other in our mission to beat gambling
       2behappy u need2be happy2be

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