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Hi Kpat, Thank you for thinking of me and sending me a note on my thread. I stay away because so many times I don’t know what to say. I want to post more. I think I will try thinking of my journal as a time that I write to you (or other individuals) on a one-on-one basis. It might be easier. I think I try to over-thinking things.
This morning I spent some time getting caught up on your thread. Your post about tithing really spoke to me. Little by little recovery has given me the opportunity see beyond my own self and reach out to others.
We are also boaters. Something we, like you, have always done with our kids. Your kids want to be with you because you have always wanted to be with your kids. Your daughter recognizes „magical moments” because she was taught to do so. It is a gift to you now, but it was a gift you gave to her, her entire life.
My daughter, like Reub has always been a Goofy fan. We have a picture of her (one of my favorites) at the Magic Kingdom with Goofy. She was wearing her Goofy jacket, her Goofy hat, holding her Goofy doll. She was only 4 years old at the time, not 44!!! lol Magical moments are magical moments, no matter how old we are!
I know you and I have a lot in common. I think (and I could be wrong) even in our style of recovery. Lets continue to talk and share because I think (and I don’t think I am wrong) the key lies in those magical moments. Appreciating those every day, „Magical Moments!”